
2021年10月18日—Newbiesgeneratemoreafterburnbecausethemovementsarenewtothebody,whichmeansexpendingmorecalories.Asyoubecomemoreexperienced, ...,2023年7月25日—Insimplestterms,the“afterburneffect”essentiallymeansthecaloriesyoucontinuetoburnafterexercising.Whilemanypeopleprimarily ...,Duringintenseexercise,yourmetabolicrateincreases.Whenyoustop,itdoesn'tgobackto“resting”immediately,butremainselevat...

4 Cardio Workouts That Maximize Your Afterburn

2021年10月18日 — Newbies generate more afterburn because the movements are new to the body, which means expending more calories. As you become more experienced, ...

Afterburn Effect

2023年7月25日 — In simplest terms, the “afterburn effect” essentially means the calories you continue to burn after exercising. While many people primarily ...

Afterburn Effect

During intense exercise, your metabolic rate increases. When you stop, it doesn't go back to “resting” immediately, but remains elevated for a short time. This ...

Exercise Afterburn

由 CA Vella 著作 · 被引用 10 次 — The exercise after-burn, or the calories expended (above resting values) after an exercise bout, is referred to as 'excess post-exercise oxygen consumption' or ...

The Afterburn Effect of Exercising

The afterburn effect, also known officially as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), is a physiological reaction to intense physical exercise and ...

The Afterburn Effect

The “afterburn effect” is just a more marketable term for excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Similar to the way your car engine stays warm hours ...

The Science Behind the Afterburn Effect

2023年7月14日 — Known as the afterburn effect, this process is said to boost your metabolism and keep you burning calories for up to 24 hours after exercise.

Workout Afterburn

2021年3月8日 — “Afterburn effect” is the colloquial term for EPOC. It refers to your body's heightened metabolism — thanks to increased oxygen consumption — ...